In FC Mobile, when choosing players for your team, especially if your main game modes are Head to Head and Manager, I recommend you also look at the work rates of the selected player. The work rates, often confused with the skill of the player in a certain phase of the game, can influence his positioning on the pitch.

There are two types of work rates, offensive (ATT) and defensive (DEF), and each type has three intensity levels (high, medium, and low).


Offensive work rates (ATT) indicate which area of ​​the pitch the player occupies when his team is in possession of the ball.

High - the player will push deep into the attacking midfield and mainly on the wings and in the penalty area.

Medium - the player will play in midfield and up to the outside of the opponent's penalty area.

Low - the player will play between his penalty area and the midfield.


Defensive work rates (DEF) indicate which area of the pitch the player occupies when his team is not in possession of the ball.

High - the player will maintain a defensive position by staying in his penalty area and in the corner kick area.

Medium - the player will maintain a defensive position staying between the edge of his penalty area and the midfield.

Low - the player will maintain a position in the midfield area.

But what are the best work rates for each position? With this guide I will show you what the ideal work rates are for each position. But this does not mean that a player with a different work rate is not good, but if you have often wondered why your players are often out of position, now you will have the answer.

Below are the positions of the players with the ideal work rates. The first indicates the offensive work rate (ATT) and the second the defensive work rate (DEF).

CB - Low/High
With this work rate your center backs will maintain a very defensive position and will always be ready for the opponent's counterattacks. Alternatively a Medium/High work rates is also considered good.

LB/RB/LWB/RWB - Medium/High
This is the ideal work rate, with which the full-backs will have the function of defending and giving greater security to the team. If you choose a different work rate, for example High/Medium, your full-backs will have a more offensive position and often will not have the time to return to defense to help.

CDC/CM - Medium/High
This work rate is especially recommended for your CDM, but if you don't have this position in your formation, I suggest you choose at least one CM with this work rate. This way you will have more defensive coverage. Alternatively, a work rate Medium/Medium is also considered good.

CAM - High/Medium
With this work rate your CAM will always be in the centre of the pitch and will immediately be able to push forward to support the attackers.

LM/RM/LW/RW - High/Low
The job of the wingers is to push forward in the offensive phase without worrying about the defensive phase. Alternatively you can choose a work rate High/Medium to have some coverage in the defensive phase but your wingers will tend to tire sooner.

CF/ST - High/Low
Strikers or center forwards are tasked with scoring and not worrying about the defensive phase. Alternatively, for the center forward, you can choose High/Medium if there is no center attacking midfielder in your formation.


Work rates are an aspect that should not be overlooked when choosing players for our team, with this guide you should have understood what it is for and how to make your evaluations. But remember, as mentioned in the intro, a player with work rates that are not ideal for his position will not necessarily be bad.