With this guide I will explain how to choose midfielders for your team on FC Mobile, but before you start reading this guide, you will first need to understand what your playing style is and which game mode you mainly play in. This will help you better understand this guide and make the right choices. Alternatively, you can always consult my rankings with the best players for all positions.

The choice of the center defensive midfielder can vary based on your main game mode. In VS Attack mode the choice can also be influenced by the formation used, as with some formations the player is used either in the offensive phase (usually in great chances) or also in the defensive phase. In Head to Head mode instead it depends on your style of play, if you are looking for a player who helps in the defensive phase, or if you are looking for a player to start the offensive phase. In Manager Mode instead you need a balanced player, good both in the defensive phase and in building the game.

To choose a center defensive midfielder good in the defensive phase you can look at the guide for choosing center backs, but in addition I also suggest good attributes in passing (mainly long and short passing). So attributes like reactions, marking, standing and sliding tackles, awareness, heading, strength, jumping, short and long passing are the attributes to look at. Having these attributes close to the value of 100 in the base version of the player will allow you to have excellent performances.

Otherwise, if you are looking for a player with more offensive characteristics, I suggest you look mainly at the passing stats and also look at attributes such as long shot and shot power which, if close to the 90 value in the base version of the player, will allow you to have a player who is also good in the finishing phase.

Height in VS Attack mode is not important, but in other modes it can be decisive and will allow your center defensive midfielder to intercept all the high balls. The traits suggested for this position are dives into tackles, power header, long passer and long shot taker. The choice of using skill points instead is conditioned both by the game mode and by your own playing style. In VS Attack mode choose defending, while in Head to Head and Manager Mode evaluate defending or passing.


Even for center midfielders, the choice can vary based on the game mode played and one's playing style, but in general having a player with a good pass and strong physically can be useful in all situations.

Center midfielders on FC Mobile are those players who are good at passing and building the game, so the first attributes to look at are in the passing tab. Short passing, long passing and vision, if close to the value of 100 in the basic version of the player, will guarantee you greater accuracy in passing. Acceleration, sprint speed, dribbling and ball control, if close to the value of 90, will also allow you to have a player who is good in possession. With these attributes you will already have an excellent center midfielder for the VS Attack mode.

For Head to Head and Manager Mode, but also in some VS Attack scenarios, some attributes in the shooting tab can also be useful. Finishing, long shot and shot power close to the 90 value will allow you to have a good player also in the finishing phase.

For Head to Head and Manager Mode you also need to consider other characteristics, also based on your playing style. Attributes such as player height, heading, strength and jumping, will allow you to have a physically strong player who can also help in the defensive phase.

In Manager Mode the weak foot and skill move level are not important, but in other game modes, having a centre midfielder with at least 4 weak feet (5 weak feet would be ideal) and 4 star skill moves will allow you to have greater accuracy in your passes (when performed with your weak foot) and a greater variety of skill moves in various game scenarios.

For the use of skill points I suggest passing, so as to have greater accuracy in the passes. When choosing the player also check the traits sheet, long passer, long shot taker and power header are the traits suggested for center midfielders.


The position of the left and right midfielders is very important in some game modes. Having fast players with good accuracy in crossing and passing can be very important.

The first attributes to evaluate will determine the speed and how smoother a player is. Acceleration, sprint speed, dribbling, ball control and agility, if close to the value of 100 in the base version of the player, will allow you to have fast left and right midfielders on the wings. Players shorter than 180 CM are smoother in some game modes.

But speed is not everything, in fact the main task of these players will be to make crosses and passes. So attributes such as short passing, long passing, crossing and curves, if close to the value of 100 in the basic version of the player, will allow you to make better crosses and passes.

With the left and right midfielder you will often find yourself in the situation of being able to evaluate a shot on goal, so some attributes in the shooting tab are also important. Finishing, long shot and shot power, if close to the value of 95 in the base version of the player, will allow you to have a player who is also good in the finishing phase.

For this position you will also need to consider the level of your weak foot, stamina and skill moves. The same rule applies to the weak foot as for the center midfielder, so at least a level 4 weak foot is recommended, but a level 5 is better. Sometimes even a 3 weak foot can be a good alternative, but it depends on your playing style. If you are used to making crosses or passes on the run, use a left foot as left midfielder and a right foot as right midfielder. Otherwise, if you like to move centrally into the penalty area to take a shot, as often happens in VS Attack mode, choose a right foot as left midfielder and a left foot as right midfielder.

Left and right midfielders are the players who tire the most during the match, so make sure they also have a good level of stamina. A 4 star skill move level will give you more choice in the skill moves you use in your dribbles.

The suggested traits for this position are long passer and long shot taker. Use your skill points for boost passing.


The position of the center attacking midfielder is very important in Head to Head and Manager modes and also in some formations in VS Attack mode.

The same rules apply to this position as for left and right midfielders regarding the player's smoother. Acceleration, sprint speed, dribbling, ball control and agility close to the value of 95 will allow you to have a smoother player in his movements.

But the main characteristics of center attacking midfielders are to provide assists to the attackers and sometimes also to make long-distance shots. Having short passing and vision close to or above 100 in the base version of the player will guarantee you greater accuracy in passing. While, having long shot and shot power close to or above 100 will guarantee you greater chances of success in long-distance shots.

Having a center attacking midfielder with 4 weak feet will allow you to have more accuracy in shooting and passing, although for this position I recommend you look for players with 5 weak feet. The skill move level for this position is also suggested at level 4, to have more choice in the skill move to use in your dribbling.

For this position, especially for Manager Mode, the Play Maker trait is suggested, which will allow you to have a player who is the fulcrum of your team's play. The long shot taker traits can also help in some game scenarios.

The choice of using skill points can vary depending on the game mode. In VS Attack mode you choose shooting, while in other modes you can evaluate shooting or passing based on your play style.


The choice of your midfielders is very important for your team. Since they are the players positioned in the center of the field, they will be the players that will allow you to both create attacking actions and defend the team before the opponent reaches your defense line. If you have trouble deciding which players to choose, you can consult my rankings always updated with the latest players added to the database.