With this guide you will be able to choose your attackers for all game modes, also based on your playing style. Alternatively, you can always consult my constantly updated rankings on the best players in each position.

The features of the left wing will be similar to those of the right wing, but I preferred to differentiate them to help you better understand some features that will help you in your choice.

The left wing position, in almost all FC Mobile game modes and especially in VS Attack mode, is considered an added attacker in all respects. In VS Attack mode, in fact, in almost all formations in which this position is present, you will have noticed that in many scenarios it is the left wing that is used the most.

In a good left wing the first attributes to look at are acceleration and sprint speed, if close to or above the value of 100 in the base version of the player, they will allow you to have a lot of speed on the wing. In addition to speed, attributes such as dribbling, ball control and agility, if close to the value of 100, will also allow you to have a very smooth winger. As anticipated in the intro, a good left wing must also have a good shot. Finishing and shot power, close to or above the value of 95, will allow you to have a strong winger in the finishing phase.

With these attributes you will already have a good left wing for the VS Attack mode. For the Head to Head and Manager modes you can evaluate complementary attributes to the shot such as long shot and positioning which, if close to the 90 value, will allow you to have a more complete player.

Optionally, depending on your playing style, you can evaluate attributes such as short passing and crossing, which will help you make better passes and crosses in Head to Head mode.

When choosing a left winger, you will also need to consider other characteristics. If you have the possibility, choose a left winger with 5 weak foot, alternatively make sure your player is right-footed. This choice is motivated by the fact that often with wingers you will prefer to go towards the goal rather than cross, so the best solution will be to shoot with the right foot.

Make sure your left wing also has good stamina and also 4 star skill move, this way you will have more choice in dribbling.

There are no specific traits suggested for this position, but you can check out my guide. As a boost I prefer dexterity, which is functional for all game modes.


For the right wing, as already anticipated in the previous intro, you will be able to evaluate the same attributes as the left wing, but you will have to pay attention to one characteristic.

If in the left wing I suggested the right foot, to have greater comfort in shooting, for the right wing I suggest the left foot if you can't buy a player with 5 weak foot.


The striker position is one of the main positions in FC Mobile, a careful choice will allow you to score many goals but you will have to pay attention to some characteristics.

The main function of strikers is to score goals, but before scoring goals a striker must be good at getting past the opponent's defense.

The basis of a good striker is speed. Acceleration and sprint speed if close to or above 100 in the base version of the player will allow you to have a fast player. The higher these values ​​are, the better the performance in terms of speed. Attributes such as dribbling, ball control and agility, if close to or above the value of 100, will allow you to have a striker smoother.

At this point in my guide it is right to reveal a secret to you. The EA algorithm is very particular and often there are attributes and physical characteristics that with the right mix can generate explosive players. This rule applies to all players. The attributes listed above, if mixed with a player shorter than 180 CM will allow you to have a super smoother player.

But, as with the wings, speed alone is not enough. A good striker must also have a great shot. Finishing is the main attribute together with shot power, if close to or above the value of 105 they will allow you to have a great striker good in the realization phase.

Attributes such as long shot, positioning and volley, close to or above 100, will allow you to have a better finishing phase.

With these attributes you will already have a great striker for the VS Attack mode. For the Head to Head and Manager Mode you can also consider, but it depends on your playing style, a physically strong striker with a good header.

Often a choice of this type, therefore with heading, strength and jumping close to the value 100 in the basic version, will allow you to have a player who is good at crossing, but more often it will coincide with a lower smoother player.

For the choice of striker I suggest only one solution. 5 weak foot. It has often been a criticized choice, but if you really want to become a pro player this is the basic choice for your strikers. Otherwise be prepared to see the ball, if kicked with the weak foot, end up on the crossbar or in the stands.

Of course also for the striker I suggest a good stamina and at least 4 stars skill move to have more choice in dribbling. Suggested traits speed dribbler, to have a further greater smoother, and finesse shot for the VS Attack mode.

In other modes, in addition to the two traits just suggested, the long shot taker and power header traits can help in some scenarios.

The use of skill points that I suggest is in boost dexterity, because before shooting on goal, you will have to get there by overcoming the opponents.


The center forward position is an underused position, which I personally do not recommend using for several reasons. The same suggestions for choosing a striker apply in general terms. The problem with the center forward is in the use of skill points.

Unfortunately this position, which can sometimes be cheaper and a good alternative in secondary position, does not have boost dexterity. This means that your center forward, with the choice of boost shooting, will have a good shot, almost explosive, but will be slower than other players.


When choosing your attackers, remember these rules: speed, finishing and 5 weak foot. This way you can no longer make mistakes.